主题:十毒月及其他 象城婚姻介绍所堂堂开张,婆罗多文学大赏 [34026]
№0 ☆☆☆象城婚姻介绍所|78aec093 2023-11-29 21:44:49留言☆☆☆   来自河南 加书签 投诉 不再看TA

№0 ☆☆☆象城婚姻介绍所|78aec093于2023-11-29 21:44:49留言☆☆☆

№1 ☆☆☆象城婚姻介绍所|78aec0932023-11-29 21:45:18留言☆☆☆   来自河南
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那就从《The Great Golden Sacrifice of the Mahabharata》这本发起,全书分为三卷,第一卷出版于1986年,全本于2011年由兰登书屋印度出版,主要以阿周那为主视角
№2 ☆☆☆象城婚姻介绍所|78aec0932023-11-29 21:50:53留言☆☆☆   来自河南
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№3 ☆☆☆象*****|78aec0932023-11-29 21:52:11留言☆☆☆   来自河南
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Duryodhana directed his gaze at Krishna. There was hurt in it. Just as I thought words would come from his mouth, he quickly turned his tormented eyes away. He was older, so I took the dust from his feet. He raised me by the elbows, took the perfume from my hair perfunctorily, but it was done and unseemliness avoided. He enquired about Eldest’s health and I about that of Greatfather, Uncle Dhritarashtra, and the Acharyas. Could we, under different circumstances, have shared the kingdom? Behind Duryodhana stood Karna, silent and bitter, and Duhshasana silent and oafish, not quite knowing how to arrange his smile. We got through the business: our conch blowers, physicians, musicians, weapon suppliers, merchants and artisans, drum beaters, charioteers, animals, and, of course, the camp followers must not be attacked. Also to be left unmolested were soldiers surrendering, deserting, or those who had lost their armour, weapons, or nerve. No soldier unprepared or unwilling to fight could be attacked. Infantry must fight infantry, cavalry cavalry, elephant forces must fight elephant forces, and I, a chariot hero, would be fighting chariot heroes. When Greatfather falls, I will fight Karna, I thought. When Greatfather falls…my heart beat faster.
难敌将目光投向克里希纳。他的目光中充满了伤痛。就在我以为他要开口说话时,他却迅速转开了痛苦的目光。他年纪大了,我帮他擦去脚上的灰尘。他抓住我的手肘将我举起,敷衍地为我祝福,但这样做避免了不体面。他询问了坚战的健康状况,我则询问了曾祖父、德里塔拉施特拉舅舅和阿迦利亚斯的健康状况。在不同的情况下,我们能分享这个王国吗?难敌背后站着迦尔纳,他沉默而痛苦;难降则沉默而呆板,不知如何安排他的笑容。 我们完成了任务:我们的吹海螺者、医生、乐师、武器供应商、商人和工匠、击鼓者、战车手、牲畜,当然还有营地的随从,都不能受到攻击。投降的士兵、开小差的士兵、失去盔甲、武器或胆量的士兵也不能受到攻击。没有准备好或不愿意战斗的士兵不能受到攻击。步兵必须与步兵作战,骑兵必须与骑兵作战,象军必须与象军作战,而我,一个战车武士,将与战车武士作战。我想,当伟大的祖父倒下时,我将与迦尔纳作战。当祖父倒下时......我的心跳得更快了。
№4 ☆☆☆象城婚姻介绍所|78aec0932023-11-29 21:52:50留言☆☆☆   来自河南
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№5 ☆☆☆OoqoOqo0oO|07cedb352023-11-29 21:53:03留言☆☆☆   来自广东
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I hated the slanging matches and would leave them and the clapping of armpits to him and Duryodhana. I had always been more afraid of Karna’s tongue than of his arrows. Those who soften the blow with gentle words are deserving of victory, and I knew that such things kept the soldiers’ morale high. We had come to the end of our business. Agreeing on every point of battle etiquette had revived in us a fellow-feeling as though there had been no event between the first days of our discipleship under Dronacharya and this day of war. We parted almost reluctantly; another momentand we might have fallen into friendship.
Even had I had the sight, like Sanjaya, to look into the tent of my mortal foe on the eighth night, I could not have known that Karna’s dilemma fitted tighter than my own. No one could have known but Krishna and my mother. Duryodhana sought solace from his only friend that night. Though they wept together for the brothers Bheema had killed, Karna could no more aceede to Duryodhana than Greatfather could; he could not fight as long as Greatfather lived. No Kshatriya could break a vow such as he had made. Duryodhana was near to raving. It was the first time he had asked for anything from Karna throughout their years of friendship.
即使我像全胜(持国王的车夫,拥有仙人的恩典,可以远距离看战争现场,堪称象城转播电视台)一样,在第八天晚上看到了我的死敌的帐篷,我也不可能知道迦尔纳的困境比我自己的还要严重。除了克里希纳和我的母亲,没有人会知道。(指当前之间点只有克里希纳、贡蒂和迦尔纳知道迦尔纳与般度五子之间的亲缘关系。)难敌当晚向他唯一的朋友寻求安慰。虽然他们为怖军所杀的兄弟们共同哭泣,但迦尔纳不能比祖父更能取得难敌的胜利;只要祖父还活着, 他就不能战斗。没有一个刹帝利能违背他的誓言。难敌几乎要发狂了。在他们多年的友谊中,这是他第一次向迦尔纳提出要求。
№6 ☆☆☆象城婚姻介绍所|78aec0932023-11-29 21:53:34留言☆☆☆   来自河南
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№5 ☆☆☆OoqoOqo0oO|07cedb35于2023-11-29 21:53:03留言☆☆☆

№7 ☆☆☆象城婚姻介绍所|78aec0932023-11-29 21:55:27留言☆☆☆   来自河南
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It was another battlefield today, a dark and empty cave without its lion. Dharma had departed from it. Its heaviness would have weighed my fighting down but for the sight of Karna’s banner curling in the breeze. Its elephant rope flew high above the other banners and moved with that lazy grace that was a part of Karna’s arrogance.
Even before the conches sounded I felt a desperate need to shred it. Duryodhana was an evil lout, but without Karna to provoke him and support him none of us would be here and Greatfather would not be lying on a bed of arrows.
“I cannot wait,” I said to Krishna, “to quench that suta’s banner.”
 “Everybody knows it and that is all that I will let you do for we are going straight to Dronacharya.” I was a tiger balked and exploded.
“For ten days I have waited and it will look as though I run from him.”
“Even if the whole world looks at you—which it does not—this war is fought not to protect your vanity but to restore the reign to Eldest. We must see Dronacharya killed before he takes your brother. Eldest’s destiny is not to spend another thirteen years in exile.”
“If his destiny…”
 “Unless you choose to make it so.”
№8 ☆☆☆象城婚姻介绍所|78aec0932023-11-29 21:56:24留言☆☆☆   来自河南
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In later years I grew to know that when we love a man we see only that which we choose to see; an enemy, we do not see at all. This makes us wary and prompts us to attack. It offended me that Karna had assumed such a kingly bearing. He had the shoulders and the long arms of an archer. He held his head more proudly than anyone I knew, and that he looked like a king was a sharp fish-hook dart so deep inside me I could not pull it out. Had he been blunt of feature, or even slow-witted, he might have been less hard to tolerate. I could have laughed. During the forest years the mere mention of his name could mar my appetite. The spies now told me one more thing that enraged me; it was the truth of it that burnt me. Karna told Duryodhana that had Krishna been his charioteer he could have killed me on the first day had he been fighting. A thousand times my life was saved by Krishna’s charioteering, but it made me bleed to hear it thus from him. Tomorrow one of us would kill the other. I would never have to hear these things again.
“We shall meet tomorrow. Nothing can stop that. I know it in my bones and in each of my body’s cells—one of us will die. Krishna, I regret nothing. To have had your friendship makes me the most favoured of all mortals. You, Subhadra, and Abhimanyu, but also my four brothers and Draupadi. I would not have chosen differently. Even the dice game and the years of exile are part of the grace. Greatfather said this morning that no thread can be cut without unravelling the whole. They brought us here to Kurukshetra and that brought to me your darshan. But when I think of Karna, I am seized by something strange that robs me of my senses. It is more devilish than jealousy.” Krishna gazed at me for long; there was silence in the tent, such silence that you could hear the tent walls move and the candles flicker. Krishna said, “It sounds to me like love. Why do you hate him so?”
№9 ☆☆☆象城婚姻介绍所|78aec0932023-11-29 21:57:52留言☆☆☆   来自河南
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№7 ☆☆☆象城婚姻介绍所|78aec093于2023-11-29 21:55:27留言 ☆☆☆ 来自河南

№10 ☆☆☆OoqoOqo0oO|07cedb352023-11-29 21:58:28留言☆☆☆   来自广东
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Four people had asked me why I hated Karna as I did. They were Krishna, Draupadi, Subhadra, and Abhimanyu. They wondered why I liked him less than Duryodhana. My answer and indeed my feelings never varied: I could not bring myself to hate Duryodhana. Any Kshatriya who feels defrauded of his kingdom will plot and plan and kill until it is returned to him. Duryodhana was crude but so was Bheema, and what I hated most about Duryodhana was the way he leaned on those such as Karna and Shakuni. What turned my stomach about Karna was his pretence to Kshatriyahood. A Kshatriya will give his blood and life to conquer lands and riches, to offer sacrifices, to hear the bell announcing that he has fed another crore of Brahmins. A Kshatriya will give his life to win a woman or gain fame and kingdoms. With Karna it was none of these.
有四个人问我为什么像现在这样讨厌迦尔纳。他们是克里希纳、德罗波蒂、妙贤和 激昂。他们想知道为什么我不喜欢他而不是难敌。我的回答和我的感受从未改变过:我无法让自己憎恨难敌。任何感到被欺骗的刹帝利都会策划、计划和杀戮,直到它被归还给他。难敌很粗鲁,但怖军也是如此,我最讨厌 难敌的地方是他依赖 迦尔纳和沙恭尼等人的方式。让我对迦尔纳感到反胃的是他对刹帝利身份的伪装。刹帝利将献出他的鲜血和生命来征服土地和财富,献祭,听到钟声宣布他已经养活了另一千万婆罗门。刹帝利会献出自己的生命来赢得一个女人或获得名声和王国。对于迦尔纳来说,这些都不是。
He cultivated coarseness to match that streak in Duryodhana. He fawned on him and used him to humiliate the world. He waxed on Draupadi’s humiliation and came to jeer and laugh when we were in the forest. His was the mind that had devised a hundred jibes and made our exile bitter. Some in Hastina had taxed him with conquering lands as much to spite us as to please Duryodhana. This he had taken as a compliment, admitting that he liked to bring down more than one mango with a single throw. He waxed on everybody’s shame. It was his food and drink. Even in Hastina it was said you had to swallow him at Duryodhana’s feasts, but that not even Duryodhana could stop you from regurgitating him. And what I hated most of all was that there was something in me which would have liked to ape his stance. There was a careless grace in it which could almost convince you that he gave no heed to what anybody thought of him. Like a superb mime, I always thought, and often said he looked the Kshatriya more than the Kauravas, more than anyone we knew. He had to work at it, Dhaumya had once retorted.
№11 ☆☆☆象城婚姻介绍所|78aec0932023-11-29 21:59:01留言☆☆☆   来自河南
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№12 ☆☆☆IIIIll1lI|c645ba162023-11-29 21:59:37留言☆☆☆   来自广东
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№7???????? ☆☆☆象城婚姻介绍所|78aec093于2023-11-29 21:55:27留言????????☆☆☆ 来自河南
№10 ☆☆☆OoqoOqo0oO|07cedb35于2023-11-29 21:58:28留言☆☆☆

№13 ☆☆☆象城婚姻介绍所|78aec0932023-11-29 22:00:27留言☆☆☆   来自河南
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№13☆☆☆象城婚姻介绍所|78aec093于2023-11-29 22:00:27留言☆☆☆

№14 ☆☆☆IIIIll1lI|c645ba162023-11-29 22:01:03留言☆☆☆   来自广东
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sp; 来自河南
№15 ☆☆☆OoqoOqo0oO|07cedb352023-11-29 22:02:23留言☆☆☆   来自广东
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“We should plan tomorrow’s strategy,” I said.
 “Very well then, plan.”
 “It may be my last night.”
 “Is that tomorrow’s strategy?”
 “Make me a promise,” I said and held out my upturned palm towards him.
 “First, let me hear it.” I saw the shadow of my palm against the silk, like a Krauncha vyuha. I heard my words float out hollow and curiously detached, I kept my eyes upon the shadowbird to catch its shape when Krishna’s palm came down on mine.
“首先,听我说。”我看到我手掌的影子映在丝绸上,就像Krauncha vyuha。我听见我的话语空洞而奇异地超然飘出,当克里希纳的手掌落在我的手掌上时,我的眼睛一直盯着影鸟,以捕捉它的形状。
 “If Karna wounds me, Krishna, do not drive me off the field, not even if it means my life could be saved. I do not want it said that I fled from Karna; else I could not live.” At last I withdrew my gaze from the bird.
 “There is no need to speak like that. You will kill Karna.”
 I tell you, Krishna, I have thought of nothing else for days and months and years. I shall kill the arrogant Sutaputra.
 “I know that you and Eldest have always thought he is at least my equal as a bowman. If it were any other man, I might accept it with a better grace. Now I tell you once again: my life depends on you as much as it does on him, for I swear I could not flee the field and live.” His eyes were full of tears. I said again, but quietly now, “I promise I shall kill him.”
 “You shall kill him.” He uncurled my hand and brought his palm down upon mine to seal the promise.
№16 ☆☆☆象城婚姻介绍所|78aec0932023-11-29 22:03:34留言☆☆☆   来自河南
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I had killed Karna many times in my mind. But when you are fighting unto death, conceit deserts you. I saw at last who the better archer was. Karna’s body did not move. His arm flowed like a wave. I saw what I had never wanted to see and acknowledge earlier. His fingers, quick and light, did everything and, fully relaxed, pulled back the bowstring to his ear.
Karna was saying: “Take your last look, Pandava, before you die.” The astra left the bow of Karna spitting fire. It would have pierced my brain but by some miracle of Krishna’s the arrow was deflected and hit against my diadem. I knew by Karna’s look that it had been his only hope. I sent an arrow to slice his head off but Uncle Shalya swerved. It merely grazed his neck. The reins had been pulled so wildly that Karna’s chariot lurched and careened onto a patch of ground beside a wounded elephant. The earth was softened by the blood and the left front wheel had sunk so that the chariot listed. His steeds stood rolling their eyes and tonguing the bits. Uncle Shalya used his whip. They put their heads down and their shoulder muscles rippled as they strained forward to raise the wheel out of the ditch. I waited while Karna and Uncle Shalya jumped down to lift the chariot out. Some of our men were jeering that this was work for sutas. I turned on them in fury and told them to be silent or they could have the arrows meant for Karna. Hearing me, Karna pleaded that we should wait for him to raise the chariot. He refused the one that Duryodhana brought to him. I saw he was jealous of his honour as I was of mine.
迦尔纳说 "看你最后一眼吧,般度之子,在你死之前" 蛇箭从卡尔纳的弓上射出,它本可以射穿我的大脑 但由于克里希纳的奇迹 它偏转了方向,射中了我的头冠, 从卡尔纳的神情中,我知道这是他唯一的希望。我射出一箭,想砍下他的头,但沙利耶叔叔转向了。箭只是擦过他的脖子。缰绳被扯得太紧,迦尔纳的战车猛地一歪,冲到了一头受伤的大象旁边的一块地上。泥土被鲜血浸得松软,左前轮陷了下去,战车摇摇欲坠。他的骏马站在一旁翻着白眼,用舌头舔着伤口。沙利耶叔叔用鞭子抽打它们。它们低着头,肩上的肌肉绷得紧紧的,努力向前把车轮抬出沟外。我在一旁等着,迦尔纳和沙利耶叔叔跳下去把战车抬出来。我们的一些人嘲笑说,这是苏多的工作。我怒气冲冲地对他们说,让他们闭嘴,否则就把射向迦尔纳的箭射给他们。听了我的话,迦尔纳恳求我们等他把战车升起来。他拒绝了难敌提来的战车,我看出他是在小心守护他的荣誉,就像我守护自己的荣誉一样。
№17 ☆☆☆象城婚姻介绍所|78aec0932023-11-29 22:05:36留言☆☆☆   来自河南
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“You know the Dharma” he said, panting with the effort. “In just a little while…” he stopped to draw his breath, “we can begin again.” The muscles on his neck stood out. His eyes started from his head and Uncle Shalya called to me.
“Karna,” I called, “we are the greatest archers in the land. I would not have it said you were defeated by your chariot wheel. And if you die today, it will not be while you are at a disadvantage.” Sweating and heaving, he turned his head and gave me such a smile of pride and gratitude as to disarm me: it was dazzling. I could see why Duryodhana loved him. I started to get down to help him but Krishna caught my arm.
 "迦尔纳,"我叫道,"我们是这片土地上最伟大的弓箭手。我不会让人说你被你的战车车轮打败了。如果你今天死了,也不会是在你处于劣势的时候。" 他满头大汗,喘着粗气,转过头来,对我露出了自豪和感激的微笑,这笑容让我不知所措:太耀眼了。我明白难敌为什么喜欢他了。我刚想下去帮他,克里希纳抓住了我的胳膊。
“No, Karna,” he said. And then he turned to me. “Arjuna, you want to step into another trap of Dharma? Karna, we cannot give you dharmic treatment now. You have not given it to us. You were the heart and soul of what the Pandava brothers suffered. Where was your Dharma at the dice game? Four days ago you cut the bow of Abhimanyu from behind.” I could not send an arrow at my enemy while his back was bent over the wheel so I shredded his umbrella and sent his flag mast crashing. He turned to me and sent an iron arrow while Uncle Shalya dug at the mud around the chariot wheel. “Arjuna, if you do not kill Karna now, I will drive the chariot from the battlefield. It will be thought that you have run away.” He turned the horses round to show he meant it.
"不,迦尔纳,"他说。然后他转向我 "阿周那,你想踏入另一个正法陷阱吗?迦尔纳,我们现在不能给你正法治疗。你没有给我们。般度兄弟所受的苦难都是你一手造成的。在骰子游戏中,你的正法去哪了?四天前,你从背后砍断了激昂的弓" 我无法在敌人面向车轮时向他放箭,于是我撕碎了他的雨伞,让他的旗杆轰然倒塌。他转过身来向我射出一支铁箭,而沙利耶叔叔却在挖战车车轮周围的泥土。"阿周那,如果你现在不杀死迦尔纳,我就把战车赶出战场。人们会以为你逃跑了" 他让战马转过身来,以示他是认真的。
№18 ☆☆☆象城婚姻介绍所|78aec0932023-11-29 22:06:36留言☆☆☆   来自河南
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I turned around myself and waited for my enemy to draw his bowstring. My arrow flew and slashed his neck. Blood spurted out and Karna fell. A keening wail went up from Duryodhana. The Kauravas lamented and Uncle Shalya turned on me in fury.
Duryodhana was rushing to the chariot. I turned away. But Krishna called me back and pointed to where Karna had fallen to the platform of his tilted chariot. I could not see him. “No, look.” There was a golden glow that held the shape of Karna for some instants. And then it rose and, as it rose, became a mist. Duryodhana threw himself upon his body and wept. I could have done the same but lifting up my conch I sounded victory. The other conches followed.
难敌正赶向战车。我转过身去。但克里希纳把我叫了回来,指着迦尔纳倒在倾斜的战车平台上的地方。我看不见他 "不,你看" 一道金色的光芒闪过,迦尔纳的身影在那一瞬间定格了,然后它升起,升起时又变成了一团雾气。难敌扑在他的身上哭了起来,我本来也可以这样做,但我举起海螺,吹响了胜利的号角。其他海螺也跟着响了起来。
№19 ☆☆☆象城婚姻介绍所|78aec0932023-11-29 22:07:29留言☆☆☆   来自河南
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When you have killed your enemy, what else remains for you to do? My private war was over and I was empty.
With time I learnt that it is necessary to fight to be the best. You have to fight to stay the best; to be known as the second best or equal is your enemy. It is his grace and virtue that threaten you and not his villainy. Being the best makes you most vulnerable. You give your enemy a home inside you. He becomes an astra, and when you kill him, you feel an emptiness as though your twin were dead. You finally see that what you were aiming at was something else.
随着时间的推移,我了解到必须努力做到最好。你必须努力保持最好的状态;被称为第二好或同等的人是你的敌人。威胁你的是他的恩典和美德,而不是他的邪恶。成为最好的人会让你最脆弱。 你给了你的敌人一个在你内心的家。他变成了梵天法宝,当你杀死他时,你会感到空虚,就好像你的双胞胎死了一样。你终于发现你的目标是别的东西。
With his chin upon his hand Krishna gazed at me and listened. “It is not that I forget his words about our queen or all the rest. But still, that single smile that he gave me at the end…it wiped out everything. I spent such hatred on him.” He sat and looked at me. “Do you think, Krishna, that in other lives we would have loved each other?”
克里希纳用手托着下巴,凝视着我,倾听着。 “这并不是说我忘记了他对我们王后或其他人所说的话。但尽管如此,他最后给我的那个微笑……还是抹去了一切我对他的仇恨。”他坐下来看着我。 “克里希纳,你认为在其他世界我们会彼此相爱吗?”
“I have to exercise my mind to recall his cruelty, his readiness to see us as slaves, to burn us, to mock us in the forest. But, Krishna, the only thing that comes to me is that last smile.” There was a silence. Then he said slowly: “That is because you are…Arjuna.” There was commotion in my breast like swords and maces clanging. I sat at Krishna’s feet and pressed my forehead to his knees and wept as though I were a child.
The world is full of enemies we love.
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