主题:姐姐妹妹看进来~~Ps6.0头发画法教程~~绝对好用!!! [97]
№0 ☆☆☆妖王震乙 2004-07-30 09:03:52留言☆☆☆  加书签 投诉 不再看TA

1. 我们先来做一个是64 X 64 pixels的笔。
点File>New 来新开启一个64 x 64 pixel的黑白图,如图:
№1 ☆☆☆妖王震乙2004-07-30 09:05:34留言☆☆☆ 
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2. 为了便于观看,把图放大到300%. 选65 pixel的软头笔刷。融合方式--溶解,透明度--4%, 颜色--黑色。把笔放到图中央,点一下,只一下唷
№2 ☆☆☆妖王震乙2004-07-30 09:06:30留言☆☆☆ 
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3. 用铅笔(1 px),选白色,融合方式--Normal,透明度--100%, 把连在一起的点擦掉。再看情况,擦掉多余的点。
№3 ☆☆☆妖王震乙2004-07-30 09:07:17留言☆☆☆ 
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4. 选Filter > Blur > Blur, 模糊一下图可以使做出的头发比较自然柔软。见上图:
№4 ☆☆☆妖王震乙2004-07-30 09:08:16留言☆☆☆ 
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5. 现在我们可以把做好的图设成新的笔刷。选Edit > Define Brush, 选一个名字,ok. 新的笔刷应该出现在笔刷选项里。
№5 ☆☆☆妖王震乙2004-07-30 09:09:05留言☆☆☆ 
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6. 最后一部,把笔的间隔(space)调成“1%”, 这非常重要。 如果间隔太大,笔划会间间断断。(试试看)
№6 ☆☆☆妖王震乙2004-07-30 09:10:10留言☆☆☆ 
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7. 用相同的方法做出以下的笔:
№7 ☆☆☆妖王震乙2004-07-30 09:10:54留言☆☆☆ 
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№8 ☆☆☆妖王震乙2004-07-30 09:11:56留言☆☆☆ 
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Painting with Custom Brushes
1. Select an appropriatesubject – perhaps one who is somewhat less than hirsute.
Create a palette of colors from the lightest to the darkest values reflected in your subject’s existing hair. If the subject has no hair at all, then create a color palette of your choice. Four shades of color seems to work well for this subject.
№9 ☆☆☆妖王震乙2004-07-30 09:12:40留言☆☆☆ 
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2. Define a new hairline for your subject using the pen tool. Create a path that encloses the area where the hair restoration will take place.
The path should bend and curve into the existing hairline. Keep in mind, defining a working space with the pen tool is not always necessary for
this project. Free-form painting without using a masked area can deliver completely different and intriguing results.
№10 ☆☆☆妖王震乙2004-07-30 09:13:32留言☆☆☆ 
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3. Next, we’ll convert the path to a feathered selection. The correct feathering will make the paint strokes blend into the scalp at the edge of the selection. From the Paths palette pop-up menu, choose Make Selection. In the Make Selection dialog box, set a value for Feather Radius. In this project, I chose a value of 2. However, this value depends on the resolution of the image you’re working on. Run an experiment to determine the correct value for your image
№11 ☆☆☆妖王震乙2004-07-30 09:14:57留言☆☆☆ 
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4. After you’ve transformed the path into a selection, the path you started with still remains visible. Deselect the path by clicking below the name of the path in the Paths palette.
№12 ☆☆☆妖王震乙2004-07-30 09:15:55留言☆☆☆ 
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5. When creating hair, you should always work on a new layer and not on the background image directly. Create a new layer from the Layers menu or Option/Alt click on the create new layer icon and name it appropriately.
№13 ☆☆☆妖王震乙2004-07-30 09:16:45留言☆☆☆ 
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6. Now the fun starts. Select the airbrush tool with a Normal mode setting and 100% pressure. The airbrush seems to work well for creating hair. Next, choose one of the larger brushes you created earlier. Adjust the Fade setting on the Airbrush Options palette to determine the length of your hair. Start with small fade amounts and build to larger. Slowly lay in the hair with even strokes. Start from the back of the head and move forward toward the hair line.
№14 ☆☆☆妖王震乙2004-07-30 09:17:45留言☆☆☆ 
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7. Continue slowly painting until you have a nice semiopaque base of dark hair. Check to make sure that the feathering of the edge you chose earlier has a nice blend into the scalp and that the hair is not too dense near the hairline. If your first attempt looks a little bit like a bad hair day, then make a new layer and try it again. Practice makes perfect.
№15 ☆☆☆妖王震乙2004-07-30 09:18:31留言☆☆☆ 
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8. Now, to give the hair more body and to make it a little bit more realistic, we’re going to add a drop shadow. Layer Effects Drop Shadows are a new feature only found in 5.0 or later versions of Adobe Photoshop. With the hair layer targeted, choose from the Layer menu Effects > Drop Shadow as shown to the right.
№16 ☆☆☆妖王震乙2004-07-30 09:19:21留言☆☆☆ 
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10. The default shadow color in Photoshop is black. However, if you take a close look at real shadows, they’re seldom black or a neutral gray. They have color and take on the characteristics of the background image. To obtain a more exact color, sample the person’s skin tone by moving the cursor over the subject’s image. In the Color Picker, move the section to a darker shade as shown here. The color is always updated to the screen, so check the results. Then click OK to both dialogs.
№18 ☆☆☆妖王震乙2004-07-30 09:21:42留言☆☆☆ 
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11. Your results so far should look something like this. Notice how the hair has filled in and is starting to look a little bit more realistic.
№19 ☆☆☆妖王震乙2004-07-30 09:22:33留言☆☆☆ 
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